

Is this a marriage “boot camp”?2020-07-09T13:49:03-05:00

Marriage Encounter is not a marriage boot camp, retreat, Bible Study, group counseling, social weekend, or sensitivity clinic where you are required to openly discuss your couple relationship with the group of attendees. Nor are couples ever separated during the event for “he” and “she” lectures.

The entire experience is presented for and to you together as a couple, and your privacy as a couple is respected at all times.

Are there program resources we must purchase?2020-07-09T13:54:38-05:00

All materials you need to help you learn how to use your new set of communication tools are provided during the experience.

Special FREE online and offline resources – including enrichment videos – are available for you to use after your experience as well.

You are not required to purchase supplemental materials in order to receive the benefits of your experience or to continue enjoying its benefits after your experience.

Can only one of us attend the experience?2022-07-27T12:04:50-05:00

Although it is possible for a couple to see improvement in their overall communication if only one spouse attends a relationship program, it is far more successful for their relationship for both the husband and wife to learn the communication tools we teach and practice during a Marriage Encounter experience. Thus we highly recommend both spouses attend to receive the full benefits of the experience.

Sounds great! But what will this cost us?2025-01-13T22:44:18-06:00

In 2025 your Marriage Encounter experience begins with only a $100 per couple application fee. A “destination” experience requires a higher fee due to additional amenities provided by the venue during the experience and varies by location. Also during your experience, you may be provided an opportunity to contribute toward the actual cost of the experience. Please be sure to carefully read the full description of your desired experience before applying.

Do you accept gay couples? Unmarried couples? Dating couples?2023-08-25T16:27:28-05:00

Our program is especially designed to address the unique communication challenges and issues specifically experienced in a male-female marriage relationship. We encourage same-sex couples, dating couples, and unmarried couples to explore/attend relationship programs that can better meet their specific needs. We are happy to direct these couples to programs of which we are aware that might be of interest to them.

Can we sleep at home and bring our own meals to save costs?2023-11-18T11:45:40-06:00

Virtual/Online Experience: Breaks and mealtime breaks are intentionally built into the virtual/online experience, thus each couple has the opportunity to eat as many meals and snacks as desired.

Non-Residential Experience: Because the experience is totally inclusive, it is important that you both be present to participate in each session from start to finish because the concepts learned in each session are then used in subsequent sessions. Thus it is important that couples are present for the entirety of each session of the program as scheduled in order to receive the full benefits of the program. The weekend scheduling for this experience format allows ample time each morning for couples commuting from their home or a local hotel to eat breakfast and still arrive at the church location prior to the first session.

In-Person Experience: Because the experience is totally inclusive, it is important that you both be present to participate in each session from start to finish because the concepts learned in each session are then used in subsequent sessions. Thus it is important that couples are present for the entirety of each session of the program as scheduled in order to receive the full benefits of the program. Sleeping and eating at the venue also helps reduce stress and promotes a relaxing environment for couples during the weekend in order to avoid the distractions of everyday life.

Guided conversations during meals help couples reach a fuller understanding of the concepts already covered – and special diets are accommodated along with a lower group meal rate that we negotiate with the caterers.

This is not our first marriage – are we allowed to attend?2020-07-09T13:11:18-05:00

Any legally married heterosexual (man and woman) couple can attend.

What if I’m not religious?2023-03-06T22:02:31-06:00

The Marriage Encounter experience is about you and your couple marital relationship. As we are a Christian organization, you will hear presenting team couples share their faith as well as Bible verses specific to the marriage relationship. However, no one will try to convert you.

I am clergy – is there anything in this for me and my spouse?2020-07-09T13:19:00-05:00

All the more reason for you to attend! With the many demands placed upon you as a couple, you and your spouse need to take the time to nurture the health and happiness of your own marriage relationship in order to continue to feed the members of your congregation.

What about our privacy?2020-07-09T13:47:50-05:00

Marriage Encounter is a marriage enrichment experience designed for each individual couple to enjoy private time together learning how to use a new set of communication tools. Although sessions include the entire group of married couples attending, no couple is ever required to share openly about their relationship with the group. After each session, each couple is encouraged to privately share their thoughts and feelings with each other.

“Life doesn’t get much better than learning how to love my spouse better – this experience is like none other!”

“Marriage Encounter made me realize that my spouse is my most important relationship.”

“Our Marriage Encounter experience literally changed our lives. It is powerful!”

“Our home is full of joy since our Marriage Encounter experience. . .thank you!”

Register Now
for these 2025 Experiences!

Trinity Covenant Church, Manchester, CT

Manchester, Connecticut
Thu, Feb 20, 2025 • 6:30 – 9:30 pm ET
Fri, Feb 21, 2025 • 6:30 – 9:30 pm ET
Sat, Feb 22, 2025 • 7:30 am – 5:00 pm ET
Learn More!

The Springs Christian Retreat Center, Gladwin, Michigan

Gladwin, Michigan
Fri, Mar 21, 2025 @ 7:00 pm EDT thru
Sun, Mar 23, 2025 @ 3:00 pm EDT
Learn More!

Fairfield Inn & Suites, Streetsboro, Ohio

Streetsboro, Ohio
Fri, Apr 25, 2025 @ 8:00 pm EDT thru
Sun, Apr 27, 2025 @ 4:00 pm EDT
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Somewhere Near You, USA
Friday @ 8:00 pm thru
Sunday @ 3:00 pm
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