
  1. HDIFA tithing the first part of my wages to the Lord? DIFALD
  2. HDIFA paying taxes? DIFALD
  3. HDIFA how we pay our bills? DIFALD
  4. HDIFA how we spend our money? DIFALD
  5. What are my attitudes about money? HDMAMMF
  6. Do I see us as financially responsible? HDMAMMF
  7. HDIFA working out a budget and sticking to it? DIFALD
  8. HDIFA when I/you balance the checkbook? DIFALD
  9. HDIFA how we use our financial resources? DIFALD
  10. HDIF when we make big financial decisions? DIFALD
  11. HDIF when we’re faced with too many bills? DIFALD
  12. HDIF when I want something we can’t afford? DIFALD
  13. HDIF when you want something we can’t afford? DIFALD
  14. HDIF when we want something we can’t afford? DIFALD
  15. What is my biggest fear about our financial situation? HDMAMMF
  16. What are the things that make it difficult for me to talk about money with you? HDMAMMF
  17. How are we are different in how we make decisions about money? HDIFAT
  18. How are we similar in how we make decisions about money? HDIFAT
  19. HDIFA using a debit card for all of our purchases? DIFALD
  20. HDIFA using credit cards for purchases? DIFALD
  21. HDIFA our credit score? DIFALD
  22. HDIFA borrowing money from a bank or other financial institution? DIFALD
  23. HDIFA borrowing money from our parents/relatives? DIFALD
  24. HDIFA co-signing loans for our adult children? DIFALD
  25. HDIFA paying (or not paying) for our children’s weddings? DIFALD
  26. HDIF when our budget is tight? DIFALD
  27. HDIFA exposing our finances to identity thieves by making purchases online? DIFALD
  28. HDIFA saving (or not saving) money to help pay for our child(ren)’s college education? DIFALD
  29. Do I see myself as a generous person? HDMAMMF
  30. Do I see you as a generous person? HDMAMMF
  31. Am I a cheerful giver? HDMAMMF
  32. What were my parents’ attitudes and behaviors toward their finances? HDMAMMF
  33. Do we have a plan for how to handle our finances when we retire? HDMAMMF
  34. HDIFA the amount of debt we have currently? DIFALD
  35. Do we have enough financial resources to pay our own way after we retire? HDMAMMF
  36. HDIFA long-term healthcare insurance? DIFALD
  37. HDIFA term life insurance? DIFALD
  38. HDIFA writing/updating a will for us? DIFALD
  39. HDIFA secondary healthcare insurance after we reach age 65? DIFALD
  40. Should we establish a trust for our financial assets? HDMAMMF
  41. HDIFA paying our bills online? DIFALD
  42. HDIFA the security of banking online? DIFALD
  43. HDIFA our exposure to identity theft? DIFALD
  44. HDIFA our long-term investments? DIFALD
  45. HDIFA investing in the stock market? DIFALD
  46. HDIFA investing in the bond market? DIFALD
  47. Is our money mine, yours, or ours? HDMAMMF
  48. Do we have enough savings? HDMAMMF
  49. HDIFA our spending on clothing? DIFALD
  50. HDIFA our spending on gifts? DIFALD

Dialogue Acronym Key

DILD: Describe in loving detail.

DIFLD: Describe in full and loving detail.

DMFILD: Describe my feelings in loving detail.

HDIF: How do I feel ….?

HDIFA: How do I feel about …?

HDIFAMA: How do I feel about my answer?

HDIFAT: How do I feel about this/that?

HDIFSTWY: How do I feel sharing this with you?

HDIFTYT: How do I feel telling you this?

HDMAMMF: How does my answer make me feel?

WAMFA: What are my feelings about…?

WAMFAT: What are my feelings about this/that?