
Many of the following questions that reference children/child can be answered several times – once for each child.

  1. HDIFA the number of children we have? DIFALD
  2. HDIFA having more children? DIFALD
  3. HDIFA our children leaving home and going out into the world to make their own choices? DIFALD
  4. HDIF recalling the birth of (each) child? DIFALD
  5. HDIF realizing that you have given me the gift of being a father/mother? DIFALD
  6. HDIFA adopting a child? DIFALD
  7. HDIFA being a step-parent? DIFALD
  8. HDIFA being a foster parent? DIFALD
  9. HDIFA taking a parent into our home and caring for him or her? DIFALD
  10. HDIFA my mother? DIFALD
  11. HDIFA your mother? DIFALD
  12. HDIFA my father? DIFALD
  13. HDIFA your father? DIFALD
  14. HDIFA how active I am in our children’s schooling? DIFALD
  15. HDIFA how active I am in our children’s sports or other activities? DIFALD
  16. HDIFA going shopping with our children? DIFALD
  17. What is my greatest concern for (each) child? HDMAMMF
  18. What do I hope for (each) child? HDMAMMF
  19. WAMFA natural family planning? DIFALD
  20. How did I feel during (each) pregnancy? DIFALD
  21. How do I feel about our ability or inability to have children? DIFALD
  22. How do I feel when a child calls me Mommy or Daddy? DIFALD
  23. The three things I like best about (each) child are. . . . HDIFAMA
  24. Is there something I dislike about myself that I see in (each) child? HDIF when I see it? DIFALD
  25. HDIF when I hear myself say things my mother or father said? DIFALD
  26. HDIF when I see your features in our child? DIFALD
  27. HDIFA breastfeeding? DIFALD
  28. HDIFA pacifiers? DIFALD
  29. HDIF when I put a child in time out? DIFALD
  30. HDIF when a child disobeys? DIFALD
  31. HDIFA spanking our child(ren)? DIFALD
  32. HDIFA yelling at our child(ren)? DIFALD
  33. HDIFA rewarding good behavior? DIFALD
  34. Do we agree on discipline? HDMAMMF
  35. Do I have a favorite child? HDMAMMF
  36. HDIFA our children’s grades? DIFALD
  37. Am I actively involved in our children’s religious formation? HDMAMMF
  38. Do we pray with our children? HDMAMMF
  39. HDIF when our child is sick? DIFALD
  40. HDIF when I can’t go to a function our child wants me to be at? DIFALD
  41. HDIF when our children misbehave in public? DIFALD
  42. HDIF when our children are praised by strangers? DIFALD
  43. HDIFA our children’s grandparents’ involvement with them? DIFALD
  44. Recalling our child(ren)’s baptism? HDIFAT
  45. HDIFA our child’s current boyfriend or girlfriend? DIFALD
  46. HDIFA planning a weekly family outing? DIFALD
  47. HDIFA children sharing in household chores? DIFALD
  48. HDIFA the children having a savings account? DIFALD
  49. HDIFA giving the children an allowance? DIFALD
  50. HDIFA our children’s friends? DIFALD
  51. HDIFA how our children spend their free time? DIFALD
  52. HDIFA the amount of TV our children watch? DIFALD
  53. HDIFA telling our children I love them at least once a day? DIFALD
  54. HDIFA kissing our children good night?
  55. HDIF holding a child’s hand? DIFALD
  56. HDIFA the values our children are choosing? DIFALD
  57. Do I live what I preach? HDIFAMA? DIFALD
  58. HDIF when a teacher doesn’t like my child? DIFALD
  59. HDIFA our child’s college plans? DIFALD
  60. HDIFA the way our children dress? DIFALD
  61. HDIFA our children’s language? DIFALD
  62. HDIFA our child(ren) leaving the nest? DIFALD
  63. HDIFA our child(ren)’s manners? DIFALD
  64. How am I like my mother? HDIFAMA
  65. How am I like my father? HDIFAMA?
  66. How are you like your mother? HDIFAMA
  67. How are you like your father? HDIFAMA
  68. Have I cut the apron strings? HDIFAMA
  69. Are we meeting our children’s needs? HDIFAMA
  70. HDIFA your tenderness with the children? DIFALD
  71. HDIF when I (you) discipline our children? DIFALD
  72. What are my hopes and dreams for our children? WAMFAMA
  73. Do I see our children as gifts from God? HDIFAT
  74. How do our children affect our relationship? HDIFAMA
  75. HDIF when we leave our children for a few days? DIFALD
  76. HDIF in my role as a mother/father? DIFALD
  77. HDIF when I/you criticize how you/I discipline our children? DIFALD
  78. What are/were my expectations of my (your) family? HDIFAMA
  79. What were/are my (your) family’s expectations of us? HDIFAMA
  80. HDIFA your (my) relationship with my family? DIFALD
  81. HDIFA my (your) relationship with your family? DIFALD
  82. HDIF when my/your family makes demands on us? DIFALD
  83. HDIF when our families criticize our lifestyle and involvements? DIFALD
  84. Do I believe children should be seen and not heard? HDMAMMF
  85. Do I see Jesus in our children? HDIFAMA
  86. Do I want our children to follow my example of lived faith? HDIFAMA
  87. Do I pray for our children? HDIFAMA
  88. Do I pray in front of our children? HDIFAMA
  89. HDIF about birth control? DIFALD
  90. HDIF about adoption? DIFALD
  91. HDIF when I see a new baby?
  92. How can we bring new life to someone else, as a couple? HDIFAT
  93. HDIFA contraception? DIFALD
  94. Birth control pills can work by preventing a fertilized egg from implanting. Did I know that? HDIF knowing that?
  95. Am I open to new life? HDMAMMF
  96. HDIFA the size of our family? DIFALD
  97. What do I think is needed for another child in our lives? HDIFAMA
  98. How can we reach out to children outside our family? HDIFAT
  99. Am I holding onto any resentment, bitterness or anger toward my child? HDIFA this issue/area? Am I willing to release him/her from my anger and forgive him/her? DIFALD
  100. How will my life change when our children are out on their own? HDMAMMF
  101. How would our children describe our marriage? HDMAMMF
  102. Would I want our child to become a priest/minister? HDMAMMF
  103. Is family planning my job, your job, or ours? HDMAMMF

104 Where do I feel the need to be reconciled with our children? HDMAMMF

  1. In what areas do I not listen to our children? HDMAMMF

Dialogue Acronym Key

DILD: Describe in loving detail.

DIFLD: Describe in full and loving detail.

DMFILD: Describe my feelings in loving detail.

HDIF: How do I feel ….?

HDIFA: How do I feel about …?

HDIFAMA: How do I feel about my answer?

HDIFAT: How do I feel about this/that?

HDIFSTWY: How do I feel sharing this with you?

HDIFTYT: How do I feel telling you this?

HDMAMMF: How does my answer make me feel?

WAMFA: What are my feelings about…?

WAMFAT: What are my feelings about this/that?