2025 Michigan Marriage Renewal Experience
Oct 31, 2025 – Nov 2, 2025

This year we celebrate Michigan’s 36th Annual Veterans’ Renewal at “The Shack” Christian Retreat Center in White Cloud, Michigan, with good food and great banana splits served in the evenings (this in itself is worth the stay!). 

The Shack is located about 6 miles west of White Cloud or about 45 minutes north of Grand Rapids. Check out their website!  

Our annual renewals have historically been for previously encountered couples to enjoy fellowship and continue to build our marriage relationship through presentations, teachings, sharing time, videos, and prayer time. 

“A Marriage Renewal” is for any couple who have attended a Marriage Encounter experience and would now like to invite a friend or family married couple to join them for this enriching experience. 

  • Friday evening, 7:00 p.m. to Sunday afternoon about 12:00 noon.
  • Free time to be together as a couple, check out the trails on the property, visit a nearby winery, relax, and get to know other encountered couples.
  • Cost includes 2 nights lodging, Friday dinner, breakfast and dinner on Saturday (lunch is an additional $13 per person on Saturday and Sunday), breakfast on Sunday, banana splits both nights, and all materials. 

This year’s program is in the works and will no doubt be great as usual!


(1) Follow this link:  Lutheran Marriage Retreat 2025 Link and choose the room you would like. (The Shack accepts Visa, Master Card, and Discover cards.) You will need to pay a 25% non-refundable deposit.  Be sure to check out the cancellation policy (it has changed) and sign the Liability & Policy form.  

(2) Call or e-mail Brian & Donna Zelner (269-226-4703 or  dwzsearch@gmail.com ) to provide your contact information, including your names, address, phone number, and e-mail address.

The facility has a block of 16 rooms reserved for the 2025 Michigan Marriage Renewal – let’s fill them up (additional rooms can be added to our link if needed)!  As of September 1, 2025, any unreserved rooms will be released.  Registrations after that date will be accepted only if rooms are still available.  If you have special needs or desire a certain room type, be sure to register early.  Brian & Donna Zelner will be contacting everyone two weeks before the renewal experience to confirm registration of your room and whether you will be staying for Sunday lunch.

Marriage Encounter Widow or Widower?

If you are a Marriage Encounter widow or widower and would like to join in the fun and& fellowship to stay connected with your Marriage Encounter friends, here are some options:

(1) Come on Saturday morning and spend the day with us! $55 (includes lunch, dinner, and banana splits).

(2) Come for Saturday and spend the night!  Cost will be one night’s stay and will include lunch, dinner, banana splits, and breakfast on Sunday morning.  If you wish to stay for lunch on Sunday, the cost will be $13.  You will need to call The Shack to make your reservation 231-924-6683. Do not use the link above!

If you have questions, contact Brian & Donna Zelner by phone or email listed above!

Come join us for this celebration!