
  1. HDIFA my job? DIFALD
  2. HDIFA your job? DIFALD
  3. HDIFA staying home with the children and being a homemaker? DIFALD
  4. HDIFA you staying home with the children and being a homemaker? DIFALD
  5. HDIFA yard work? DIFALD
  6. HDIFA the upkeep of our home? DIFALD
  7. If I could do any other job than the one I’m doing, I would do . . . . HDMAMMF
  8. HDIFA the number of hours I work? DIFALD
  9. HDIFA the number of hours you work? DIFALD
  10. HDIFA my volunteer work? DIFALD
  11. HDIFA your volunteer work? DIFALD
  12. HDIFA going to work each day? DIFALD
  13. HDIFA my/your boss? DIFALD
  14. HDIFA the level of morale at my workplace? DIFALD
  15. HDIFA my/your co-workers? DIFALD
  16. How critical am I to my workplace? HDMAMMF
  17. HDIFA retirement? DIFALD
  18. HDIF when I have to work in a group?
  19. Am I good at my job? HDMAMMF
  20. Do I earn my salary? HDMAMMF
  21. HDIFA paying taxes? DIFALD
  22. HDIF when I/you have to work overtime? DIFALD
  23. HDIFA my office dress code? DIFALD
  24. HDIFA my/your travel schedule? DIFALD
  25. HDIFA my/your fringe benefits? DIFALD
  26. Am I using my potential? HDMAMMF
  27. How do I feel about my/your promotion potential? DIFALD
  28. HDIFA being my own boss? DIFALD
  29. Do I prefer to be an employee, an employer, or neither? DIFALD
  30. HDIFA hiring help with housework/childcare/etc? DIFALD
  31. HDIFA the distance I have to travel to get to work? DIFALD
  32. HDIFA the level of responsibility I have at work? DIFALD
  33. What unique qualities do I bring to my workplace? HDMAMMF
  34. Are our jobs life-giving to us or anyone else? WAMFAT
  35. HDIF when I am working and you are relaxing? DIFALD
  36. HDIF when I am relaxing and you are working? DIFALD
  37. What frustrates me the most when I am working with others? HDMAMMF

Dialogue Acronym Key

DILD: Describe in loving detail.

DIFLD: Describe in full and loving detail.

DMFILD: Describe my feelings in loving detail.

HDIF: How do I feel ….?

HDIFA: How do I feel about …?

HDIFAMA: How do I feel about my answer?

HDIFAT: How do I feel about this/that?

HDIFSTWY: How do I feel sharing this with you?

HDIFTYT: How do I feel telling you this?

HDMAMMF: How does my answer make me feel?

WAMFA: What are my feelings about…?

WAMFAT: What are my feelings about this/that?