
  1. When was the last time I really made you laugh? HDIF recalling this?
  2. What was the silliest thing I ever did with you? HDIFAT
  3. What effect does music have on me? HDMAMMF
  4. How do I see my “favorites (song, movie etc ) in our relationship? WAMFAT
  5. How would I describe you to a blind person? HDMAMMF
  6. How am I like the weather? HDIFAT
  7. What is my favorite time of year? Why? HDIFAMA
  8. My favorite time of day is… HDIFAT
  9. HDIF hearing you laugh? DIFALD
  10. What was the nicest thing someone did for me this week? HDIFAT
  11. How would I describe heaven? HDIFAMA
  12. If I could travel in time, I would. . . . HDIFAT
  13. HDIFA the way we play together? DIFALD
  14. What weeds are growing in my life? HDMAMMF
  15. HDIF when you watch me undress? DIFALD
  16. HDIFA sitting in the front at church? DIFALD
  17. Do I believe in miracles? HDMAMMF
  18. WAMFA the line “can’t buy me love”?
  19. Our relationship is like what kind of carnival ride? HDMAMMF
  20. What goodness do I see in you today? HDMAMMF
  21. What is my most prized possession? HDMAMMF
  22. HDIFA waking up beside you? DIFALD
  23. If loving you were like eating candy, would I be fat? HDMAMMF
  24. What is my most vivid memory of our honeymoon? HDMAMMF
  25. When was the last time we were really “outrageous”? HDMAMMF
  26. If I were in a Circus Act, I would be… HDMAMMF
  27. The saint you remind me most of is…. DIFALD
  28. If I were an animal, I’d choose to be a. . . . HDMAMMF
  29. Today was like a game of . . . . HDMAMMF
  30. What will we be doing when we are 80? HDMAMMF
  31. My favorite dessert is….. How does that remind me of you? HDMAMMF
  32. The Bible character you remind me most of is…. HDMAMMF
  33. Our relationship is most like what sport? HDMAMMF
  34. When was the last time I acted like a little kid? HDMAMMF
  35. What kitchen appliance am I most like? HDMAMMF
  36. All I want for Christmas is. . . . HDMAMMF
  37. When was the last time I laughed at myself? HDMAMMF
  38. How are you like my favorite flavor of ice cream? HDMAMMF
  39. What flower do you remind me of? HDMAMMF
  40. What can you do better than a Swiss Army Knife? HDMAMMF
  41. What cartoon character am I most like today? HDMAMMF
  42. What would I give you an Oscar for? HDMAMMF
  43. What is my favorite childhood birthday party memory? HDIF recalling this?
  44. If I could try a new job for one day, I’d try. . . . HDMAMMF
  45. What is my favorite hymn? HDIF when I hear it? DIFALD
  46. HDIF when you give me a butterfly kiss? DIFALD
  47. What chess piece do you remind me of? HDMAMMF
  48. Describe the ideal picnic. HDMAMMF
  49. What do I miss most when we are on vacation? HDIFAT
  50. If I were President for a day I’d. . . . HDMAMMF
  51. HDIF about starting over after a reversal or failure? HDMAMMF
  52. HDIF after I donate a pint of blood? HDMAMMF
  53. HDIF after I have exercised my right to vote? HDMAMMF
  54. HDIF after I have spent a sleepless night? HDMAMMF
  55. After being with superstitious people, I feel. . . . DIFALD
  56. HDIF after we have a long laugh together? DIFALD
  57. What would I really like for an anniversary gift (not a purchased gift)? HDMAMMF
  58. HDIFA our pets? DIFALD
  59. HDIFA getting a pet for our home? DIFALD
  60. The habit I have that I most wish I could break is. . . . HDMAMMF
  61. I prefer to be outside/inside most of the time. HDMAMMF
  62. What would I do if we won the powerball lottery? HDMAMMF
  63. If I had to describe you in one word, what would it be? HDMAMMF

Dialogue Acronym Key

DILD: Describe in loving detail.

DIFLD: Describe in full and loving detail.

DMFILD: Describe my feelings in loving detail.

HDIF: How do I feel ….?

HDIFA: How do I feel about …?

HDIFAMA: How do I feel about my answer?

HDIFAT: How do I feel about this/that?

HDIFSTWY: How do I feel sharing this with you?

HDIFTYT: How do I feel telling you this?

HDMAMMF: How does my answer make me feel?

WAMFA: What are my feelings about…?

WAMFAT: What are my feelings about this/that?