
  1. Read Ephesians 5:25-31. Focus on verse 31 and then dialogue on this question: How does hearing Jesus say these words to me make me feel? DIFALD
  2. What are my feelings when we grow closer to God? DIFALD
  3. Write a letter to Jesus on where we are in our relationship with Him. Read each other’s letters. Then dialogue on: How did reading your letter to Jesus make me feel? DIFALD
  4. How do I feel when you/I help each other to grow more aware of God in our relationship? DIFALD
  5. In what way have I become more aware of God in our relationship since our weekend? HDMAMMF
  6. How do I feel when we judge that our prayers have not been answered? DIFALD
  7. All we have, we have because God loves us. HDMAMMF
  8. How do I feel including Jesus in our dialogue? DIFALD
  9. How do I feel giving all our worries to Jesus? DIFALD
  10. How do I feel when God reflects His love for us through others? DIFALD
  11. How do I feel about us being special to the Father? DIFALD
  12. Where are we in our relationship with God right now? HDMAMMF
  13. What am I most thankful to the Father for? HDMAMMF
  14. How do I feel when I realize that being open to you is being open to God? DIFALD
  15. WAMF when I hear “Love one another as I have loved you”? DIFALD
  16. HDIF when we share our faith with our children? DIFALD
  17. HDIFA praising God for all our circumstances – even the painful ones? DIFALD
  18. HDIF when I know something is sinful, and I do it anyway? DIFALD
  19. HDIFA trusting God’s plan for my life? DIFALD
  20. HDIFA trusting God’s plan for your life? DIFALD
  21. HDIFA trusting God’s plan for our life together? DIFALD
  22. Concerning the worst thing anyone ever did to me – have I forgiven that person? HDMAMMF
  23. HDIFA talking with a stranger about God’s love? DIFALD
  24. What does the Good Shepherd mean to me?  HDMAMMF
  25. Have I experienced Scripture or a sermon speaking directly to me? How did I feel when that happened?  DIFALD
  26. Do I believe God created me?  HDMAMMF
  27. What is my awareness of my sinfulness?  HDMAMMF
  28. What is my awareness of my goodness?  HDMAMMF
  29. Do I look for and accept the Lord’s will for my life?  DIFALD
  30. Do I see Jesus alive in our marriage? HDMAMMF
  31. HDIF recalling my confirmation?  DIFALD
  32. What was my parents’ relationship with God like? WAMF thinking about this?  DIFALD
  33. HDIFA tithing?  DIFALD
  34. Do I thank God for you every day?  HDMAMMF
  35. Do I thank God for my life every day? HDMAMMF
  36. Are we in unity in our faith? HDMAMMF
  37. Do I love God?  HDMAMMF
  38. What do I expect of God?  HDMAMMF
  39. How does my personality style influence my relationship with God?  HDMAMMF
  40. HDIFA living God’s plan for us?  DIFALD
  41. When am I most aware of God’s presence?  HDMAMMF
  42. Is my image of God like my image of my father?  HDMAMMF
  43. Do I believe God loves me?  HDMAMMF
  44. Do I fear God?  HDMAMMF
  45. Are you closer to God than I?  HDMAMMF
  46. HDIFA dialoguing on the Sunday scriptures?  DIFALD
  47. In the last 24 hours, when was I most aware of God’s presence? How did I feel before, during and after that moment? DIFALD
  48. When am I most aware of God’s presence? HDMAMMF
  49. Do I see myself as a temple of the Holy Spirit? HDMAMMF
  50. Do I look forward to heaven? HDMAMMF
  51. HDIF knowing I am forgiven for my sins? DIFALD
  52. HDIFA our minister/priest? DIFALD
  53. HDIFA our relationship with our priest/minister? DIFALD
  54. HDIF when I witness a marriage?  DIFALD
  55. Is marriage a covenant or a contract?  HDIFAMA

Dialogue Acronym Key

DILD: Describe in loving detail.

DIFLD: Describe in full and loving detail.

DMFILD: Describe my feelings in loving detail.

HDIF: How do I feel ….?

HDIFA: How do I feel about …?

HDIFAMA: How do I feel about my answer?

HDIFAT: How do I feel about this/that?

HDIFSTWY: How do I feel sharing this with you?

HDIFTYT: How do I feel telling you this?

HDMAMMF: How does my answer make me feel?

WAMFA: What are my feelings about…?

WAMFAT: What are my feelings about this/that?