
  1. How do I feel about the experience of the death of our family member? DIFALD
  2. How do I feel about being separated from you by death? DIFALD
  3. HDIFA the death of my parents? HDMAMMF
  4. How do I feel about your death? DIFALD
  5. How do I feel about my death? DIFALD
  6. How has the death of my father/mother changed me? HDMAMMF
  7. How would I feel if one of our children died? DIFALD
  8. Death frightens me (or not). HDIFAT
  9. HDIFA living the rest of my life without you? DIFALD
  10. What I want you to remember most about me is. . . . HDIFAT
  11. HDIFA living today knowing we are not guaranteed tomorrow? DIFALD

Dialogue Acronym Key

DILD: Describe in loving detail.

DIFLD: Describe in full and loving detail.

DMFILD: Describe my feelings in loving detail.

HDIF: How do I feel ….?

HDIFA: How do I feel about …?

HDIFAMA: How do I feel about my answer?

HDIFAT: How do I feel about this/that?

HDIFSTWY: How do I feel sharing this with you?

HDIFTYT: How do I feel telling you this?

HDMAMMF: How does my answer make me feel?

WAMFA: What are my feelings about…?

WAMFAT: What are my feelings about this/that?